Carew chapel – a rich history

The Carew chapel was added to St Mary’s by the Carew family around the late 15th century. Prior to its building, members of the Carew family were buried within the precincts of the church itself.
The Carew family were patrons of St Mary’s church. They owned the Manor house next door from c.1359 until 1859, when Charles Hallowell Carew was forced to sell it and his other estates to pay his gambling debts.
Tombs in Carew chapel
The oldest tomb in the Chapel belongs to Sir Richard Carew (d.1520) and his wife Malyn Carew (d.1544). It has suffered some damage and is in need of restoration.
On the lid of the tomb is a beautiful monumental brass depicting Richard and his wife.
There is no monument in this chapel to Richard’s son, Nicholas of Carew (1496 – 1539) who was beheaded for treason on order of Henry VIII on 3 March 1539 (believed to have been involved in the Exeter Conspiracy).
He was buried in the church of St Botolph, Aldersgate.

Next to Richard and Malyn is the tomb of Sir Francis of Carew (d. 16th May 1611), son of the beheaded Nicholas of Carew (former courtier of Henry VIII). In his will he had asked to be buried as close as possible to his grandfather, Richard. This request was certainly carried out.
He did not marry, nor father any children of his own. He was an exceptional gardener, responsible for adding the orangery at Carew Manor, visited by Queen Elizabeth I herself.
The Carews had a family vault beneath the chapel, accessible via a trap door in the floor until it was closed and filled in with rubble and concrete in the 19th century.
The last family member to be buried here before it was closed, was in 1848.
To learn more about the history and heritage of St Mary’s.
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