

About us

St Mary's community

Find out more about our Church, our community and events at St Mary's.

Toddlers @ St Mary’s

St Mary’s Toddlers group for parents/carers and toddlers meets in the church centre for free play, crafts, stories, music and

LGBT@ St Mary’s

We will never preach or teach that your gender identity or loving relationships are wrong, that your sexual orientation or

The Tower Coffee Shop

St Mary’s pop-up cafe in the heart of our historic building


Recent sermons preached at St Mary’s can be read online. Click here.

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Inclusive ChurchThe parish of St Mary Beddington takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found at Safeguarding.

A Rocha Bronze AwardEco Church is an A Rocha UK project, run in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The URC and Allchurches Trust Limited.

The Church of England