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- Bellringers
This society was formed in 1869. In its early days, it was responsible for some very innovative ringing, and several members were among those who founded the Surrey Association. After the Second World War, the band grew in strength and until the 1970s, enjoyed an enviable standard of ringing.
As for most bands, fortunes change and numbers and skills fell away for a few years. However, recruitment for the Millennium was successful and now we have a sizeable band of loyal members. We are a very sociable group and all visitors are warmly welcomed – new recruits / lapsed ringers doubly so!
St Mary’s has 10 bells, tenor 18½cwt, and we usually ring all 10 on Sundays. Our bells were rehung in January 2005.
Sunday ringing times are as follows:
Morning – 8.55 to 9.30 (Sung Eucharist with robed choir)
Evening – 5.55 to 6.30 (Evensong, fully choral)
Practice night:
Thursday, 7.45 to 9.30
Well-paid weddings; annual outing; social events; good integration with church life.
For information contact:
Richard Fitch
Tel: 020 8647 5304
Welcome to St Mary's, Beddington
The Anglican Church of the parish of Beddington within the Diocese of Southwark.
Church Road, SM6 7NH
Charity number 1131167
Said Mass 8.00 am
Parish Eucharist 9:30 am
Choral Evensong 6:30 pm
Said Mass 10.00 am
Find Us
Church Road
London SM6 7NH